210: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: L [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Greek & Latin Classics, Physics
By Jeff Weber Rare Books210: RICHARD WEISS LIBRARY: L [Science, Astronomy, Natural History, Greek & Latin Classics, Physics JEFF WEBER RARE BOOKS #210: 34 books, featuring: LASTEYRIE from the library of Leon Leroy; Frederic Lawrence Holmes on Lavoisier; 2 Max von Laue; Mathew Carey LEA; Auguste Laurent; William LEMPRIERE; the physicist Philipp von LENARD; "The great work of Lessius … De justitia et jure", and his Quæ fides et religio sit capessenda," Antwerp, 1609; Emmanuel Liais; Joseph Johann von LITTROW; LIVY; Humphrey LLOYD on wave-theory of light; Joseph Norman LOCKYER (3 works); Oliver Joseph LODGE (on electricity); Percival LOWELL and a major collection of Lowell Observatory offprints (many signed); Sir John LUBBOCK (on ants & bees) & Pre-Historic Times; LUCIAN Amsterdam, 1687; Charles LYELL.
How to request a print version: weberbks@pacbell.net